S C I E N T I F I C . C O N F E R E N C E S . O R G A N I Z A T I O N
Rosanna Pavoni - Museum and Art Consulting
plans and organises national and international conferences and seminars,
overseeing all stages of events:
· theme identification and intervention planning, also where a theme has already been selected
· organisation of the Acts
Scientific meetings and conferences, for example:
Memoria e progetto per la Milano italiana e il caso Bagatti Valsecchi, Museo Bagatti Valsecchi ,Milano, May 24-26 1990.
Come nasce e rinasce un museo, Museo Bagatti Valsecchi, Milano, November 16 1994.
Nuove metodologie di ricerca per la storia del XIX secolo, Museo Bagatti Valsecchi, Milano, June 13 1996.
Il caso Bagatti Valsecchi: un progetto per l'artigianato e il design, Museo Bagatti Valsecchi, Milano, September 15 1998.
Milano 1848-1898. Ascesa e trasformazioni della capitale morale, Museo Bagatti Valsecchi, Milano, November 26-28 1998.
Historic House Museums Speak to the Public: Spectacular Exhibits versus a Philological Interpretation of History, Palazzo Reale e Palazzo Spinola, Genova, November 1- 4 2000 ,
in collaboration with L.Leoncini e F.Simonetti. DEMHIST conference.
New Forms of Management for Historic House Museums?, Palazzo dei Congressi, Barcelona, July 2-4 2001.
DEMHIST conference.
Historic House Museums as Witnesses of National and Local Identities, Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage, Amsterdam, October 14-16 2002. DEMHIST conference.
Attenzione Lavoro in Corso, Monza, June 18 2004, in collaboration with Alberto Bassi.
Facing and solving the problems of Historic House Museums. Examples and Models, Lenzburg Castle, Switzerland, October 8-10 2003
DEMHIST conference.
Room with a view. The House Museums and their surroundings, Berlin, September 2-4 2004
DEMHIST conference.
Case Museo a Milano: esperienze europee per un progetto di rete, Auditorium del Consiglio Regionale della Lombardia, Milano, May 16 2005, in collaboration with Annalisa Zanni.
Safe keepers of Memory: conservation of buildings and their collections , Lisbona, Museu Nacional et Etnologia, October 12-14 2005. DEMHIST conference.