The International Historical House Museum Committee - DEMHIST came into being in 1998 in Melbourne during the ICOM World Conference , with the aim of giving a voice to this particular kind of museum, which is finally accorded a specific identity not to be confused with other kinds of museums and its own special museological and museographic approach in dealing with areas concerning a museum’s activities and services.
DEMHIST - like the other international committees created from within ICOM - is open to all colleagues and professionals wishing to participate in reflection and debate over themes involving house museums: from restoration to communication; from public relations to the delicate balance between the container and the contained, and between the house and its surroundings.
Each year the Committee organises a General Conference; to date the Acts of the Conferences held in Genoa In (2000), Barcelona (2001) and Amsterdam (2002) have been published.
In 2003 DEMHIST began distributing by e-mail a Newsletter containing contributions sent and initiatives flagged by Committee members.
The Board launches the programmes to be submitted to the General Assembly and is elected every three years. Rosanna Pavoni was Treasurer /Secretary from1999 to 2002 andPresident from 2002 to 2005.
The 2008 – 2011 Treasurer / Secretary is Peter Keller. peter.keller@museum.kirchen.net
Demhist website
Categorization Project | story
Categorization Project | results
Categorization Form
Demhist editorial series